Contents tagged with soil health scorecard

2 January 2024

Discover how the soil health scorecard underpins management at Wainfleet Monitor Farm

14 November 2023

How an AHDB monitor farmer used scorecards to change the farm’s cropping strategy.

13 January 2023

Soil health has been broken down into measurable parts to help farmers optimise crop and grassland productivity.

21 December 2021

Anne Bhogal, an ADAS soil scientist, explains how a soil health scorecard is being used to assess the impact crop management has on the biological, chemical and physical properties of soil.

8 October 2021

Technical workshop presented by AHDB and SRUC on soil health

12 December 2022

A structured way to monitor soil health is being delivered by a five-year research programme.

10 January 2024

Arable Connections features at events throughout the UK, giving you the opportunity to discuss the latest practical trials and demonstrations

19 June 2024

Create an at-a-glance snapshot of soil health. Download the scorecard for England and Wales (below) and get the tool for Scotland.
